
Hello World

This blog is an attempt to chronicle playing through every game on Wikipedia's List of cooperative video games in chronological order, as far as modern day emulation allows.

In almost all ways, this is inspired by The CRPG Addict. Like Mr. Addict, we will attempt to faithfully attempt and progress in every game on the Wikipedia list, with room for additions. We will limit ourselves primarily to PC, arcade, and console games, generally using the "best" version of the game as determined by our admittedly quick research. We will attempt to complete every game on our list, or at least get bored enough to say why.

So far, are rules as are follows:

1. We follow the Wikipedia list in chronological order when possible. If we find other sources later, we will adapt them to our internal list.

2. Since many of the games are released on a spectrum of systems, we will attempt to play the original version, and make note of other releases as needed.

3. We will limit ourselves to games we are able to get running with modern hardware.

4. While many games are unbeatable (outside of a kill screen or something similar), we will attempt to play games until we've seen the available gameplay or we get bored of them. We are currently setting our limits at around 30 minutes before moving on; this will probably grow as games get more complex.

Stay tuned for upcoming updates!

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